Neighborhood apostolate for the poor and underprivileged
We are running two night study center at Thattanchavady
and jeevandhapuram to facilitate special coaching and supervised study in the
evening for neighboring children those who are under privileged. As the
surrounding are slums the children don’t have enough facilities to follow their
school works. We have 12 tuition teachers who are engaged in coaching them. As
these children hail from very poor and deserving background we provide them all
these facilities due to the generosity of friends and benefactors. It has
become difficult now due to pandemic situation.
The History of the House Don Bosco Boys' home, Thattanchavady is a home for the orphans, destitute, school dropouts, street children and young at risk. This is a public welfare, service oriented, non-profitable institution started in the year 1986 for the school dropouts in and around Pondicherry and the nearby villages, irrespective of caste, creed and colour. It accepts them with open arms and gives them education, guidance, love, attention and calls for their individual capacity and inclination. Besides their educational needs food, shelter and clothes are provided.