It is important to emphasize that the accompaniment of significant adults is indispensable in the intervention of the child psychologist. This is because the child, by himself, does not yet possess the necessary tools to know the origin of his emotions or why certain things happen in its environment. This makes him/her the most vulnerable member of the family nucleus.
As your child develops, they go through progressive developmental stages, from birth into adulthood. Environmental, genetic, and cultural factors can all affect a child’s development, and how quickly they progress from one stage to the next.
It’s difficult for children to explain what they’re going through, much less to analyze their feelings. That’s where child psychology can help give you highly important and valuable information on your child’s mental, physical, cognitive, and emotional health as they grow.
Everyone wants their child to have healthy development, but it’s not always clear if a child’s behavior is a symptom of a normal stage in development or a sign of an abnormality. Child psychologists can help you understand the difference. Understanding the normal and abnormal psychological patterns of a child can help parents understand how to best communicate and connect with their child, teach their child coping mechanisms for managing emotions, and help their child progress and thrive in each new developmental stage.
Physical development in children is typically a predictable sequence of events. Your child holds their head up, rolls over, crawls, walks, and runs, in that order. Your Child Psychologist can aid your paediatrician in observing your child’s physical development, and if there are any abnormalities that could indicate developmental irregularities. Child Psychologists will observe your child’s progression toward the milestones of development to ensure that your child is physically developing normally. Major delays in physical development may reveal other underlying developmental issues that can then be addressed early on.
The medical understanding of childhood cognitive development has greatly changed over the recent years. We now know that even newborn babies are aware of their environment and are interested in it, even before they have the language to express that.
Cognitive development refers to the intellectual learning and thought processes of a child. It includes the observation and understanding of the world around them, language learning, memory, decision-making, problem-solving, how the child uses their imagination, and how the child uses basic reasoning. All of these factors are influenced by a child’s genetics and environment.
Emotional and social development are deeply intertwined. Emotional development refers to how the child feels, understands, and expresses their emotions. Emotional development is expressed in very young children through the expression of basic emotions like fear, joy, anger, and sadness. As the child develops, more complex emotions such as confidence, hope, guilt, and pride emerge. Emotional development also includes a child’s ability to feel and understand the emotions of other people through empathy. Learning to regulate and express emotions appropriately is difficult for many children. Helping children understand their emotions early can have a powerful impact on current and future emotional development. A Child Psychologist can help your child understand and express their emotions in a healthy, positive way.
Emotional development highly informs social development. This is true because the way a child feels, understands, and expresses their feelings has a direct impact on how they interact with other people. Social development is about how the child develops the values, awareness, and social skills necessary to relate to the people around them; their parents, peers, authority figures, and animals. A child’s early relationships can have a huge impact on their development of age-appropriate social skills. Trust, friendship, conflict management, and respect for authority are examples of social development.
The History of the House Don Bosco Boys' home, Thattanchavady is a home for the orphans, destitute, school dropouts, street children and young at risk. This is a public welfare, service oriented, non-profitable institution started in the year 1986 for the school dropouts in and around Pondicherry and the nearby villages, irrespective of caste, creed and colour. It accepts them with open arms and gives them education, guidance, love, attention and calls for their individual capacity and inclination. Besides their educational needs food, shelter and clothes are provided.